Touchy Feely — Joey Zeledón



People feel a lot of things.

The challenge: Write a book about designing for human emotions.

Introducing… a framework and guide created to help designers capture the dimensionality of their thoughts and feelings when interacting with the world. A “touchy” is the micro-interaction: when you grab the subway pole, flick the light off, or nick a mini ketchup packet from the bin. A “feely” is the resulting emotional response. 

The framework has given me a new way of looking at even the most mundane moments I find myself designing. I’ve even turned it into a tool: bringing it to my design teams, talking about it on Core 77, World Design Organization and Kickstarter, and teaching it at workshops in the community. The book was created with my design partner Martelle Esposito, over the course of several coffee-fueled evenings. It’s meant to share some of the moments I’ve captured and cataloged through the years. My favorite is on page 56.

