The hot tools curlbar.
Partner: Hot Tools
My part: Senior Industrial Designer at Smart Design
The challenge: The curling iron was ripe for innovation—as anyone who’s ever burnt their forehead attempting 90s supermodel hair can attest.
What design revealed: What we were looking for is to dig into how people actually use hair tools. And so we went to the people who use them the most: professional hairstylists. They’re on their feet the entire day, performing near acrobatics in the way they maneuver their hands to get hair into an impossible-looking updo. Our Smart Design team walked away with a real appreciation for their artform, and an idea.
Introducing… a curling iron in the shape of an L. Why an L? It helps keep elbows low, reducing the strain afflicting so many of the hairstylists we talked to. The brand-new tool also has a pre-set timer—adaptable for different hair types—ensuring that they never burn or damage hair. But it wasn’t just useful for the pros: our curlbar was also featured in Elle, Allure, and Refinery29.